ROOTS: A Blog by Riza Press

Articles from Project Healthy Love

Why I Stopped Checking my Own Boxes

by Courtney LowryDecember 20, 2019 This article, about the power and joy of love in strong friendships, was written by Courtney Lowry. A photographer, activist, and poet, Courtney Lowry’s work speaks for the people. Discussing the topics of gender, racial, and disability descrimination faced by the marginalized, Lowry’s work showcases the voices of the silenced,…

We Asked, You Answered

This article is a combined effort of Riza Publishing Press and Pen and Pendulum. We asked the following questions on Instagram to celebrate the launch of Project Healthy Love. Here were your answers. 75% of you said YES. 25% of you said NO. 22% of you said YES. 78% of you said NO. 41% of…

Poems and Essays from a Caregiver

A collection by Anthony Cordasco, December 2019 Editor’s note: it is always special to find a piece which resonates so deeply with you – brings you to tears, and reminds you exactly why it is you do what you do. Anthony and Julie’s story has inspired me deeply. When I launched Project Healthy Love it…

A Night at the Opera

A story by Cecilia Gigliotti, December 2019 Cecilia Gigliotti is a writer, musician, and travel photographer. Much of her work deals with pop culture, childhood trauma, and things famous people have said when they thought no one was listening. She holds the MA in English Literature from Central Connecticut State University, where her poem “Igor…

After 49 Years

A story by Joanne Jagoda, December 2019 After retiring in 2009, one inspiring writing workshop in the Amherst method launched Joanne Jagoda of Oakland, California on an unexpected writing trajectory. Her short stories, poetry and creative nonfiction appear on-line and in numerous print anthologies including Gemini, Pure Slush, A Poet’s Siddur, the River Poets Anthology,…

Remembrance of All Things Past / Nancy / In One

A short story and poetry collection by Andy Betz, December 2019 Andy Betz has tutored and taught in excess of 30 years. He lives in 1974, has been married for 27 years, and collects occupations (the current tally is 100). His works are found everywhere a search engine operates. Remembrance of all things past The…

When We Found The Knicks… Together

A story by Hilary Jane Smith, December 2019 Hilary Jane Smith is originally from Northern California. A graduate of Chapman University’s Film and Media Arts program, she has found her voice in cultural critique and poetry. She is a professional based in New York City. She loves “love,” her city, and her partner. I’ve been…

We Are Not the Happiest Couple on Your Facebook Feed

A memoir essay by Bear Weaver, December 2019 Bear Weaver spends time working for a nonprofit, exploring New England and beyond with an incredible spouse, and caring for several non-human animals. Bear’s writing centers themes like identity, love, and the absurdity of being alive on Earth. A few minutes after I’d stormed out of our…

What Love Means to Me

An essay by Taylor Boileau Davidson, December 2019 Taylor Boileau Davidson is a multi-disciplinary artist whose work explores the boundaries between intuition, femininity, and mysterious spaces. One morning I woke up to a text from my best friend, she wanted to skype. Her and I have been friends for a little over four years, and…

On Love

An article by David Capps, December 2019 David Capps is a philosophy professor and poet who lives in Hamden, CT. He is the author of two chapbooks: ‘Poems from the First Voyage’ (The Nasiona Press, 2019), and ‘A Non-Grecian Non-Urn’ (Yavanika Press, 2019). A cold fire provides no nourishment, mind which radiates an impulse originating…

The Love Language of Raccoon Memes

An Essay by Sarah “Sam” Saltiel, January 2020 Sarah “Sam” Saltiel is a queer, nonbinary artist and writer based in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Graduated from the University of Chicago with degrees in English, visual arts, and creative writing, most of Saltiel’s work deals with questions of gender and mental illness, particularly pertaining to what it…

Posts from The Uncertain Creative: A COVID-19 Support Platform

How the Singles are Coping

by Taylor Boileau Davidson This is such a weird time. For all the reasons that have just come to your mind, and for more reasons still. I was scrolling through my Facebook feed and I keep seeing posts like “how to be single during a pandemic” and it suddenly strikes me that we’ve lived the…


by @in_constant_revision “I believe right now is probably one of the craziest times our society has ever experienced. One of the things that has helped me the most through uncertain times is my writing and expressing important emotions or messages through poetry. It is very powerful, and has allowed me to use my creativity in…


by Lauren Taylor Although this time does feel uncertain, I believe we can use it as an opportunity to remember and appreciate the small things we take for granted. We can spend more time disconnected. We will begin to miss the ones we love whom we haven’t been able to visit. We are able to…

Every day is a late Sunday morning

by Mary Lou Time has become the sheet I’ve pushed to the end of my bed with my feet in my sleepIt is folded and scrunched up I’ve slipped between the folds and I exist in a space where I’m frighteningly awareof what’s going on in my house,but I can’t find my wayout of the…

Patience in Solitude

by eros north These four wallsHave never felt more like a fortressAnd there have been times where I have felt stuck inside my own bodyBut not quite like thisThis is a slow torture Where fresh air and sharp breaths on morning runs are my only freedomI have never noticed the sky as much as I…

A Creative Space

by Annie This is that time when the whole world is at a pause, the time yas elongated itself as we have been fitting this mad rush into our monotonous schedule of sitting all day at home. We have to realise, we bring this monotony on ourselves. At this time with no hurry for meeting…

Using your senses to get you through Covid-19

by Jacky Power The world has gone to shit it has,The world has gone to shit!A discombobulation is sweeping through our nationAs shoppers binge on bog roll and tinned food.Apocalyptic thoughts as we survey what we’ve bought,As we spiral into stratospheric panic! But… Let’s stop for a sec, to breathe in, to reflect.It’s not possible…

Appeal of the Quotidian

by Megan Marie Drew Amidst the turbulence of the present,The dazed days that seep into one another,Blurring humanity intoA continuous monotonous moment,Blank faces and bleak feelings run riot throughOur stationary world, bodies and minds. Yet, the warmth felt internally will always remain.The joy of familial bonds, of friendships shall not dissipateWith the regress of modern…